3. The length, breadth, and height of a cuboidal Room are 5 m, 4 m, and 3m respectively, let us write the length of the longest rod which can be kept in that room.

4. The area of one surface of a cube is 64 sq.m. let us calculate the volume of the cube.

5. In our Bokultala village, a canal is cut whose breadth is of 2m and depth is of 8 dcm. If the total quantity of soil extracted is 240 cubic meters, then let us calculate the length of the canal.

6. If the length of the diagonal of a cube is 4√3 cm., then let us calculate the total surface area of the cube.

7. The sum of the length of the edges of a cube is 60 cm., let us find out the volume of the cube.

8. If the sum of area of 6 surfaces of a cube be 216 sq.cm, then let us calculate the volume of the cube.

9. The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is 432 sq.cm, If it is converted into two cubes of equal volumes, then let us calculate the length of each edge of each cube.

10. Each side of a cube is decreased by 50%. Let us calculate the ratio of the volumes original cube and changed cube.

11. If the ratio of the length, breadth and height of a cuboidal box is 3:2:1 and its volume is 384 cc. then let us calculate the total surface area of the box.

12. The inner length, breadth and height of a box of a tea are 7.5 dcm and 5.4 dcm. Respectively if the weight of the box filled with tea is 52 kg.350 gm., but an empty state, its weight is 3.75 kg. then let us write by calculating, the weight of 1 cubic dcm tea.

13. The length, breadth and weight of a brass plate with squared base are x cm.,1 mm and 4725 gm. respectively, if the weight of a cubic dcm. brass is 8.4 gm., then let us write by calculating, the value of x.

14. The height of Chandmari road is to be raised. So, 30 cuboidal holes with equal depth and of equal measure are dug out on both sides of the road and with this soil the road is elevated. if the length and breadth of each hole are 14m. and 8m. respectively and if the total quantity of soil required to make the road be 2520 cubic meter then let us calculate the depth of each hole.

15. If 64 water-filled buckets of equal measure are taken out from cubical water-filled tank, then 1/3 rd of water remains in the tank. If the length of one edge of the tank is 1.2m, then let us calculate and write the quantity of water that can behold in each bucket?

16. If the length, breadth and height of one packet of 1 gross Match box are 2.8 dcm and 0.9 dcm respectively, then let us calculate the volume of one Match box [1 gross= 12 dozen] But if the length and breadth of one Match box be 5 cm and 3.5 cm. then let us calculate and the height of it.

17. Half of a cuboidal water tank with a length of 2.1m and breadth of 1.5 m. is filled with water. If 630-liter water is poured more into the tank, then let us calculate and write the depth that will be increased by.

18. The length and breadth of a rectangular field of the village are 20m and 15m. respectively for construction of pillars in the 4 corners of that field 4 cubic holes having length of 4m are dug out and the soils removed are dispersed on the remaining land. Let us calculate and write the height of the surfaces of the field that is increased by.

19. For elevating 6.5 dcm of a low land with length of 48 m and breadth of 31.5 m, it is decided that the soil will be collected by scooping a hole in a nearby land with length of 27 m and breadth of 18.2 m. let us calculate the depth of the hole, in meter.

20. There were 800 lit, 725 lit and 575 lit. Kerosene oil in 3 kerosine oil Drums of the house. The oil of these three drums is poured into a cuboidal pot and for this, the depth of oil in drums becomes 7dcm. If the ratio of the length and breadth of the cuboidal pot is 4:3, then let us write by calculating, the length and breadth of the pot.
If the depth of the cuboidal pot would be 5 dcm, then let us calculate whether 1620 lit. oil can be kept or not in that pot.

21. The daily requirement of water of three families in our three-storyed flat are 1200 lit, 1050 lit. and 950 lit respectively. After fulfilling these requirements in order to put up a tank again and to deposit to store 25% of the required water, only a land having the length of 2.5 m and breadth of 1.6 m has been procured. Let us calculate the depth of the tank in metre that should be made. If the breadth of the land would be more by 4 dcm, then let us calculate the depth of the tank to be made.

22. The weight of a wooden box made of wooden planks with the thickness of 5 cm. along with its covering is 115.5 kg but the weight of the box filled with rice is 880.5 kg. The length and breadth of inner side of the box are 12 dcm and 8.5 dcm respectively and the weight of 1 cubic dcm. rice is 1.5 kg. let us write the inner height of the box after calculation let us calculate the total expenditure to be colour the outside of the box, if the rate is ₹ 1.50 per square dcm.

23. The depth of a cuboidal pond with length of 20 m and breadth of 18.5 m is 3.2 m. let us write by calculating, the time required to irrigate whole water of the pond with a pump having the capacity of irrigate 160 kilos lit. water per hour. If that quantity of water is poured on a paddy field with a ridge having the length of 59.2 m and breadth of 40 m. then what is the depth of water in that land- let us write by calculating it, [ 1 cubic metre = 1 kilo litre ]