Group – A
1. Write the correct answer from the given alternatives:
1.1 The gorge formed in the arid region is called –
(a) Canyon
(b) ‘V’ shaped valley
(c) Potholes
(d) Dhand (Ans)
1.2 Bird-foot delta is formed at the mouth of –
(a) River Nile
(b) Hwang Ho
(c) Indus river
(d) Mississippi-Missouri river (Ans)
1.3 The meteors that come towards the earth get burnt in the layer of –
(a) Ionosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere (Ans)
(d) Exosphere
1.4 Tornado, the most destructive cyclone of the world is also called in USA as –
(a) Cyclone
(b) Twister (Ans)
(c) Typhoon
(d) Hurricane
1.5 The merging of cold Labrador current and warm Gulf stream current creates dense fogs and stormy weather conditions along –
(a) Newfoundland coast (Ans)
(b) Guinea coast
(c) Florida coast
(d) Peru coast
1.6 On the days of Neap Tides the sun and the moon are at the following angles to each other in respect of the earth –
(a) 180°
(b) 360°
(c) 90° (Ans)
(d) 120°
1.7 The following waste material is non-biodegradable by its nature –
(a) Plastic wastes
(b) Synthetic rubber wastes
(c) Aluminium sheet
(d) All are applicable (Ans)
1.8 The Telengana State was formed by separation from –
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Andhra Pradesh (Ans)
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh
1.9 The plain, which is formed along the foothills of Siwalik Himalaya by deposition of small rock fragments is called as –
(a) Khadar
(b) Bhangar
(c) Bhavar
(d) Bet (Ans)
1.10 Example of one salt hike of India is –
(a) Pangong lake (Ans)
(b) Bhimtal
(c) Dal lake
(d) Loktak lake
1.11 The Laterite soil is found in the region of –
(a) Ganga plain
(b) Western slope of western ghat (Ans)
(c) Sundarban
(d) Desert region
1.12 Wheat is a –
(a) Rabi crop (Ans)
(b) Kharif crop
(c) Zaid crop
(d) Beverage crop
1.13 The proposed fastest National Highway, which will connect Srinagar in the North with Kanyakumari in the South is called as –
(a) The East West Corridor
(b) The Golden Quadrilateral
(c) The North South Corridor (Ans)
(d) The North Central Corridor
1.14 The satellite sent by India is –
(a) IRS (Ans)
(c) SPOT
(d) Station
Group – B
2.1 If the statement is true write “T’ and if false, write ‘F’ against the following (Answer any six statements):
2.1.1 Potholes are formed at the base of waterfall. False
2.1.2 The air pressure is measured by the help of Fortin’s Barometer. True
2.1.3 Change of seasons are observed in Equatorial region. False
2.1.4 The drought conditions develop in the western coast of South America due to influence of El Nino of Pacific Ocean. False
2.1.5 Tropical Evergreen forests are found in the states of Bihar and Chhattisgarh. False
2.1.6 Petrochemical Industry is called as “Modern Industrial Giant”. True
2.1.7 ‘Platform’ is the place in space where the Satellites are installed. True
2.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words (Answer any six):
2.2.1 According to name of Meander river, the zigzag course of a liver is known as meander.
2.2.2 Horizontal and Parallel cracks or fractures found on the Surface of a glacier are called Bergschrund.
2.2.3 Temperature increase with the increase of altitude in atmosphere is called variation of temperature.
2.2.4 During high tide huge tidal waves entering through the mouth of a river from the sea are called as Tidal bore.
2.2.5 The wastes which after decomposition mix with air, water and soil are called as___ .
2.2.6 Shilong is the highest part of Meghalaya Plateau.
2.2.7 According to 2011 census, the percentage of literacy rate in India is 74.04%.
2.3 Answer in one or two words (any six):
2.3.1 What is the name of Sandy desert in Sahara?
2.3.2 In which layer of the atmosphere jet plane flies?
Ans: In Stratosphere jet plane flies.
2.3.3 What is the main food of marine fish?
Ans: The main food of marine fish is plankton.
2.3.4 Name one radioactive waste?
Ans: Uranium tailings is one of the example of radioactive waste.
2.3.5 Which one is the longest river of South India?
Ans: Godavari is the longest river of South India.
2.3.6 In Which forest of India lion is found?
Ans: In the Gir forest lions are found in India.
2.3.7 Name the common multipurpose river valley project of the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal?
Ans: Damodar Valley Project is the common multipurpose river valley project of the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal.
2.3.8 In which type of map, relief is shown by contour lines?
Ans: In the topographic map relief is shown by contour lines.
2.4 Match the left column with the right column:
Column A | Column B |
2.4.1) Tal | Lakes in Western Himalayas |
2.4.2) Jhum cultivation | Soil erosion |
2.4.3) Chikmangalur | Coffee research centre |
2.4.4) Benaras | Diesel Rail Engine |
Group – C
3. Answer the following questions in brief (Alternatives should be noted):
3.1 How are the “deflation hollows” formed?
Ans: When the wind blows unobstructed in the desert it blows out sand particles, soil etc., and produces a depression. Such depression is known as deflation hollow.
or,What is Iceberg?
Ans: large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea.
3.2 What is ‘Chinook’?
Ans: Chinook is a warm dry wind that descends along the leeward slope of the Alps and blows through Rhine valley.
or,What is apogian tide?
Ans: A monthly tide of decreased range that occurs when the Moon is at apogee (farthest from Earth).
3.3 How is the segregation of waste materials done?
Ans: In case of solid waste the segregation or separation of waste according to the method of treatment is a must. The biodegradable and non-biodegradable types of wastes are also segregated for different processes of waste management.
or,What do you mean by ‘Recycling the waste’?
Ans: Recycling is a processing of used materials into new useful products. This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used.
3.4 Name two physiographic divisions of Karnataka Plateau.
Ans: The two physiographic divison of Karnataka is “The Coastal Region” and the “Malnad Region”.
or,Mention two purposes of rainwater harvesting.
Ans: Two objectives of rainwater harvesting are: i.To store rainwater and ii.To ensure water supply even during dry months or droughts.
3.5 State the importance of terrace cultivation.
Ans: Terraces reduce slope length, reducing the power of flowing water to erode soil. By limiting soil erosion, terraces also improve water quality by reducing sediment and phosphorus delivered to streams, rivers, and lakes.
or,What is sustainable development?
Ans: It is the development that meets the needs of the present and promotes the idea that social, environmental and economic progress can be achieved within the limit of our earth’s natural resources.
3.6 What is meant by satellite Imagery?
Ans: Images of the Earth taken from artificial satellites orbiting the planet is called satellite imagery.
or,Define topographical Map.
Ans: Topographic maps are a detailed record of a land area, giving geographic positions and elevations for both natural and man-made features.
Group D
4. Give a brief explanatory answer of the following (Alternative should be noted)
4.1 Explain why delta is formed at the mouth of a river.
Ans: In the lower course of the river the slope of the land decreases remarkably. This causes the river to become sluggish. The load carrying capacity of the river also reduces to a great extent near the sea. So, most of the load carried by river is ultimately deposited into the sea into which it flows. The deposition builds up a fan shaped alluvial-cone on it’s mouth and it is called delta.
or,Why does temperature decrease with increase of altitude in Troposphere?
Ans: In the troposphere, the temperature generally decreases with altitude. The reason is that the troposphere’s gases absorb very little of the incoming solar radiation. Instead, the ground absorbs this radiation and then heats the tropospheric air by conduction and convection.
4.2 What are the methods of controlling gaseous waste material?
Ans: Disposal of gaseous wastes are generally done through wet scrubber. Scrubber is a air-stream pollution control device which uses liquid spray to remove solid and liquid particulate matter and gaseous pollutants.
or,How are reduction of wastes made?
Ans: A simple guideline on reducing:-
i. Do not buy heavily packed goods and wherever it is possible buy loose, unpacked alternatives.
ii. Carry reusable carry bags whem shopping and going to the market.
iii. Buy concentrated products that use less packaging.
4.3 Discuss in brief three main measures adopted for conservation of forest India.
Ans: Measures adopted for conservation of forests in India are:-
i. Prohibition of indiscriminate deforestation :- Indiscriminate deforestation or felling of trees causes increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. So, cutting of trees should be restricted.
ii. Prevention of forest fire:- Forests should be protected from natural hazards like forest fire.
iii. Controlled grazing of cattle :- In India, villagers bring their cattle or goats into the forests for grazing. Grazing of cattle should be controlled and animal-land ratio should be strictly maintained.
or,What do you mean by the ‘modern communication system’?
Modern Communication System :-
i. Internet:- Internet is versatile facility which can help one complete task easily and conveniently with few clicks.
ii. E-mail:- E-mail is a short word for electronic mail. We create texts amd send them over a network of computers.
iii. Cell phones:- A cell phone is any portable telephone which usues cellular network technology to make and recieve calls.
4.4 What are the difference between Topographical Map and Satellite Imagery?
Ans: Modern Communication System :-
i. Internet:- Internet is versatile facility which can help one complete task easily and conveniently with few clicks.
ii. E-mail:- E-mail is a short word for electronic mail. We create texts amd send them over a network of computers.
iii. Cell phones:- A cell phone is any portable telephone which usues cellular network technology to make and recieve calls.
or, State three uses of Topographical Map.
Ans: Topographical Map:-
i. Topographical map show detailed information of a small area.
ii. These maps are drawn according to a predetermined scale.
iii. These maps conatin names and are titled and labelled.
Satellite Imagery:-
i. Saillite imagery can show pictorial detail of an extensive area.
ii. The scale of satellite imagery is true only at the principal point and distortions occur away from this point.
iii. Satellite imageries do not show name and are not labelled.